INTERSOFT > Editorials > How to improve quality performance

How to improve quality performance

15 April 2021 - Ana Porancea

Quality Improvement

Vision. Mission. Values. Principles. Procedures.

Your company has all of the above and has become what it is today through hard work and dedication. Yet sometimes, things don’t end up as you wish they would.

Is something lacking, or left behind? Certainly not your vision, or mission, also not your values or principles.

In an ever changing environment, both within the company, as well as in the outside world, with your customers and partners, procedures that once were serving their purpose become obsolete, insufficient or ineffective.

This results in missed opportunities when it comes to your quality performance, impacting your customers and thus leading to unnecessary loss of sales and increased exit rates.

Intersoft has a proven track of creating and delivering integrated quality management systems next to consultancy on quality related processes, empowering you to focus on the more strategic part of your business.

We are pleased to provide you with the tools and know-how to support you to map your workflows, define the appropriate processes and effectively implement them.

When it comes to quality, being able to correctly assess the current performance is decisive. Intersoft provides you with reporting dashboards that incorporate all the features required to drive your business forward.

Intersoft ensures you have all the information in one place and are able to share it fast with all stakeholders at the needed level of detail.

If in the past it was difficult to share information outside your network (with your partners, or vendors), this obstacle is now easily dealt with through the use of dashboards and their secure identity and access management.

Following the reporting of your relevant indicators, a custom-build deep dive analysis platform will enable you to identify root causes of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

To complement these results and give you a full picture about how your customers perceive your products, services and support, Intersoft also provides you with a voice of the customer analysis, which shows the issues and topics your customers talk about.

The agent monitoring module comes to complete the quality circle. It allows you to assess the knowledge, behavior, skills and motivation of your employees against predefined requirements and take the needed actions to guide them towards continuously improving and delivering positive customer interactions.

The integrated feedback loop ensures that the corrective activities derived from the different quality control processes are automatically assigned as to do’s to the relevant people.

All quality related processes have individual reporting which enables you and your partners to use the gained insight to improve.

The internal and external communication and the joint effort to move forward is sustained by the different export features: raw data, charts and tables, as well as customized templates for weekly and monthly business reviews.

All in all, we believe in your vision, mission and principles and we hope you believe in ours:
to enable you to deliver the best customer experience through the most efficient quality management system.

Ana Porancea

Customer Engagement Consultant with 8+ years of experience. Editor for since 20 October 2019

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